P/2001 OG108 (LONEOS)

C/2001 OG108 (LONEOS) was discovered by LONEOS as a magnitude 18.7 asteroid on July 28th 2001. It was rapidly shown to have a comet-like orbit with a period of 48.5 years, with perihelion at 1AU. Many observers examined the object for signs of cometary activity after discovery, but none was noted. In mid-January 2002 cometary activity was noted for the first time as the comet approached perihelion, at 0.99AU on March 15th 2002.

The light curve

GThe light curve shows a well-defined maximum at the time of closest approach to Earth, approximately one month after perihelion. Visually the comet was almost constant in magnitude from mid-February to May and then dropped very sharply in brightness at increasing heliocentric distance.

The light curve is unusual with variations in brightening law from 0 log r to 50 log r between January and May 2002.








Observations by:


Última actualización 14/01/2003
Por M.R.Kidger