The Star of Bethlehem
Every year
the nature of the Star of Bethlehem is discussed around Christmas time. We know
that the nature of the Star has been debated for at least 1700 years, but are
we any closer to knowing what it was? Like for the death of the dinosaurs,
there are dozens of theories and everyone has their favourite. I have been
interested in the subject for nearly 30 years and have studied it for more than
20. Here is just a brief taster of some of the issues. If you want to know
more, you can find it in my book on the subject "The Star of Bethlehem -
An Astronomer's View", which was published by Princeton University
Press in November 1999.
Para una versión de estas páginas en español, pinche aquí.
The Bible
The Star of Bethlehem is
only mentioned in Mathew’s Gospel. In fact, Matthew only mentions the word
"star" four times and gives almost no details. The only other Gospel
which mentions the birth of Jesus is Luke. Luke does not mention the star and
his and Matthew’s accounts of the events around the birth of Jesus have almost
no events in common. Some experts use these contradictions to suggest that the
Star never even existed (more).
It is absolutely certain
that the date that we use for Christmas was not the date of the Nativity. In
fact, it is known that the whole basis of the modern calendar is incorrect.
That said, it is the calendar that we have and it is not going to change now!
The problem dates back to the year 525AD. Dionysius Exiguus, a monk, decided to
fix the calendar around the date of the birth of Jesus, but committed two
serious and well-known errors in doing so (more).
The Magi
One important issue in the
question of the Star of Bethlehem is the question of the mysterious people from
the east who visited Jesus at Bethlehem. Variously called the "Wise
Men", or the "Three Kings", who were these people? What do we
know about them? Were they even kings (more)?
Favourite candidates
which were NOT the Star of Bethlehem
Every year a few favourite
names get mentioned as being candidates to be the Star of Bethlehem. Over the
years some of these objects have been suggested quite seriously, but they can
now be discarded as serious candidates. One of the most popular is Venus as a
Christmas star, another is Comet Halley (more).
Favourite candidates
which might have been the Star of Bethlehem
There are a number of quite
plausible theories. Two of the most enduring are a conjunction and a comet,
although both present serious difficulties. Other theories which are more
recent include the possibility that the Star was due to an occultation. An old
theory (first proposed by Kepler), which has gained favour over the last 20
years is the idea of a nova (more).
What the ancient
chronicles report
Surviving observations were
by both the Chinese and the Babylonians around the time of the Nativity. Both
sets of archives have been carefully studied to see what phenomena were
observed which might explain the Star. The curious result of these searches is
that very little of note was observed around the time (more).
What was the Star of
Bethlehem and how did the Magi recognise it?
Given all the conflicting
evidence, how can the Star of Bethlehem best be explained? Whilst various
phenomena may have been involved, there is only one really plausible Star as
such. Why can we be confident that this was the Star? How and where was it seen
What was the sky like
when the Star of Bethlehem appeared?
If we know what the Star of
Bethlehem was and when it appeared, what did the Magi see? With modern computer
programs we can calculate exactly what stars and planets were visible at any
moment in the past, for any point on Earth. Whaat did the Magi see in the sky
and how did it guide them (more)?